Cloud Instagram

Photo info: motorola moto g(6), 3.95mm, f/1.8, 1/3000 sec, ISO100
“Cloud” Cedar Park, 2020


I decided to shift my Instagram account subject matter to just pictures of the clouds (and sky), since I am pretty convinced that they are my favorite things to take pictures of. My Instagram has been a mix of clouds, travel, and food, but I think I’ll just focus on the one subject. I’ll keep all my old photos, including my earliest where Instagram meant spontaneous snapshots, just for history’s sake.

Anyways, we’ll see how it goes! I’m not very active there, with the main effort being this blog, and then my daily photo post on Flickr. But Instagram is still fun to browse and see what friends and family are up to!


Photo info: motorola moto g(6), 3.95mm, f/1.8, 1/2300 sec, ISO100
“Cloud” Cedar Park, 2020

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