Burger and Bicycle

Photo info: FUJIFILM X-E4, 27mm, f/5, 1/100 sec, ISO1600
“Big Burger” Cedar Park, 2021

Big burgers were on the menu at the Fujimoto house today, and the toppings were grilled jalapeño peppers and red onion, American and Havarti cheeses, and the usual condiments. Plus, I bought a bag of frozen crinkle-cut fries, which were a nice change from potato chips!

Happily, I only got two mosquito bites while grilling outside, which I consider a win. These days, I don’t mind getting bitten so much because Zap It works great for me. No more itching (after the initial bite). I even took my Zap It to China when I went on vacation, where it almost got taken away by the Chinese TSA… I would have been so sad.

Anyways, the burgers were delicious, but I felt guilty about eating so many calories so I went for a ride with Sophie around the neighborhood. Bicycling brings a huge smile to my face, so I try to do it (or go running) as much as I can.

In the video below, you can hear the super-loud brake squeal. Sorry about that… I’ll try to fix it in the future. It’s really embarrassing. 🙃

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