Hot Weather Riding

Photo info: Apple iPhone 12 mini, 1.55mm, f/2.4, 1/1900 sec, ISO25
“Mango on the Trail” Cedar Park, 2022

Today the temperature was about 103°F / 39.4°C when I went out for a bicycle ride. It might be too hot for some, but I really wanted to get some exercise and didn’t feel like running was a good option, so I decided to go riding with Mango, my Kona Blast bicycle. She is super comfy, with an upright seating position, cushy handlebars, and granny gears so I can keep the effort on hills to a minimum.

I also wore my white helmet which has plenty of ventilation.😀

The ride was really fun, mainly because there were hardly any other people on the trail, which can get crowded on the weekends. But it was like a ghost town at mid-day, as people were taking shelter from the heat. I loved it!

Photo info: Apple iPhone 12 mini, 4.2mm, f/1.6, 1/5000 sec, ISO32
“Bicycle Mirror” Cedar Park, 2022

The sky was amazing as well, with plenty of pretty clouds to look at, and they provided occasional respite from the sun.

All-in-all it was a great ride. The only bummer was that my Strava crapped out and didn’t record most of it. Oh well.

Photo info: Apple iPhone 12 mini, 4.2mm, f/1.6, 1/7800 sec, ISO32
“Lovely Cloud” Cedar Park, 2022

I hope you had a great day! またね〜

Mail Retrieval Vehicle

Photo info: FUJIFILM X-E4, 27mm, f/2.8, 1/90 sec, ISO3200
“Mail Retrieval Vehicle” Cedar Park, 2022

I’ve been riding with Mango to pick up our mail at the mailbox down the street lately, and the old Kona with its butterfly/trekking handlebars and rear rack is well-suited for the task. I’m able to put letters into the panniers, and if we receive a package too big to fit into the bags, I can rest it on the handlebars easily.

Additionally, Mango is a breeze to ride one-handed, with the right trigger shifters and rear brake lever easily accessed. Mango is not a beauty-queen like Sophie, but this ugly duckling gets the job done. What a wonderful bike!

Morning Ride at Lake Somerville State Park

Photo info: FUJIFILM X-E4, 18mm, f/5, 1/250 sec, ISO640
“Mango at the Lake” Lake Somerville, 2021

We woke up early to catch the sunrise, but heavy cloud-cover prevented us from seeing it rise above Lake Somerville. However, when it finally appeared a bit higher in the sky, it was beautiful!

Photo info: FUJIFILM X-E4, 18mm, f/7.1, 1/250 sec, ISO200
“Sun Rays” Lake Somerville, 2021

My friend Také and I went for a short bike ride around the camp area on the hike and bike trails and saw a bunch of deer, rode through numerous spiderwebs, and worked up a good appetite for breakfast later on. I let him ride Mango, which is has front suspension, trigger-shifters, and a more upright riding position, while I rode Rossa which has no suspension, has a more aggressive position, and friction shifters.

Photo info: FUJIFILM X-E4, 20.5mm, f/9, 1/125 sec, ISO320
“Rossa and Mango” Lake Somerville, 2021

It was so much fun, but I blew it and forgot to bring the GoPro for the ride! 😒 Man, I suck! Also, Rossa had a flat front tire when we got back to camp. Double-bummer.

But the ride was awesome so it’s all good!

Photo info: FUJIFILM X-E4, 18mm, f/9, 1/140 sec, ISO200
“View from the Overlook” Lake Somerville, 2021

Sunday Bicycle Ride

“Trail Riding” Cedar Park, 2021

こんにちは。How’s it going? Today’s photo is a screen-grab from the GoPro video footage I took on today’s bicycle ride. The trail behind our house is a bit overgrown, but the trail is clear for walking and bicycling. It’s a lot of fun to ride, even though it’s very short.

If you have time, please check out the annotated video I made:

I hope you have a great day! またね~

Broken Chain and a Sunset Bicycle Ride

Photo info: FUJIFILM X-E4, 27mm, f/5.6, 1/1250 sec, ISO160
“Sunset” Cedar Park, 2021

This evening Sophie’s chain broke just outside our house. We were just starting our ride when I heard a loud “ping” and then heard the chain slide to the pavement. 😲 I bet I didn’t secure the link I used to remove the chain earlier perfectly. It seemed pretty good though…

I went back into the garage and exchanged Sophie for Mango and headed out for my evening bicycle ride. Mango is such a great, comfortable bike now. The rear light is the only part that needs replacing. It has an annoying tendency to switch off when I go over a large bump or curb. Not good!

Anyways, please enjoy the video if you’d like to “ride along” with Mango and I!