“Black and White and Grey” Cedar Park, 2020
We’re still in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic which has cause some large life-changes, such as working from home, remote learning, no dining out, etc. But there are quite a few small changes too, which I thought were interesting. Or maybe not interesting at all. Anyways, here are some:
- I keep the mailbox key in my bicycle bag instead of my car.
- I have only worn long pants once. That was for mosquito protection while doing some yard work.
- I haven’t worn regular socks or shoes in a long time. It’s either running shoes/socks, or my Birkenstocks.
- I now take my showers in the evening. It feels so good to climb into bed nice and clean! I used to take my shower in the morning in order to wake up and get rid of bed-head. But now I can be a bit more lax with my “grooming”. Also, I ride my bicycle or go for a run in the evening, so a shower is necessary.
Today’s photo is of the tree that hangs over the neighborhood mailbox. It’s what prompted me to think about how I keep the mailbox key on my bike instead of my car.
I hope you had a good day and are hanging in there! 😀