The Past Couple Weeks

Starting with the Disney trip, and then ending the past week, I haven’t been eating the best. Nor have I been running! I did get in a short run last weekend, but for the most part I’ve been recovering from a sugar and heavy food overload! It was worth it though, because those sour balls and sour worms from Disneyworld were great, and then cupcakes and cakeballs for Mariko’s birthday were yummy too. But I noticed that the one short run I did last weekend was not so great. I was tired, my legs had no pep, and I ended up cutting the running short and walked halfway (which was good!).

I’m happy to report that I bounced back big time today, and my 4.5 mile run felt amazing! I had so much energy and was cruising along right from the get-go. I think maybe I recovered from the sugar-overload. 🙂

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