“Ainori” Cedar Park, 2020
Over the past week, I binge-watched Ainori Love Wagon: Asian Journey Seasons 1 and 2, and African Journey Season 1. I loved them! If you don’t know about these shows, they are Japanese reality television shows, where several single people travel to different countries hoping to find a love partner within their group. It’s a lot of fun, and I since I love travel shows, I find each episode very interesting. The relationships are fun to watch develop, but I think if there was no travel element, it wouldn’t be nearly as good.
In my opinion, the African Journey is the best of the bunch because of the friendly group dynamic. I found the two Asian seasons had a bit too much tension (because of one particular traveler), and while some people love that kind of drama, I’m not a huge fan. I’m looking forward to Africa Season 2, but I’m disappointed because the COVID-19 pandemic seems to have put the series on hold… although they might have finished filming Season 2 before lock-down.
In the meantime, two of my favorite travelers, “Kou” and “Husky”, had an Instagram Live session today which was fun (from what I could understand). It’s neat joining Instagram Live streams since they often interact with the text chat. I remember Crystal Kay responded to a few things I commented on, and in today’s chat, Kou returned my “cheers” by raising her non-alcoholic beer and saying “Texas Chili! Cheers!” lol. 🤣
Anyways, if you like these kinds of shows, and have Netflix US, give it a try.
I hope you had a good day!