Twitch Streaming

Photo info: FUJIFILM X-E4, 27mm, f/4.5, 1/100 sec, ISO1600
“Streamer Setup” Cedar Park, 2022

I’ve recently gotten interested in live-streaming on Twitch. I’ve followed a few people who have “co-working” live-streams where they just work, and the live-stream helps keep them accountable. Viewers can also work at the same time and it’s like a little co-working team. Fun!

I am so interested in it that I took the extra step and set up my own live-stream, which alternates between working, and a ukulele break. 😀 🎶

I have also started using the Pomodoro method of working for 25 minutes, then taking a 5 minute break. This is also common amongst co-working live-streamers and I have to say that it has improved my productivity. And it makes the work day go by quickly.

One thought on “Twitch Streaming

  1. While I’m not gonna stream my work, I like the idea of the 25 minutes and taking a break, at least when I’m not in meetings.

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