Multi-Curry Plate

Photo info: Apple iPhone 15 Pro, 6.7649998656528mm, f/1.8, 1/120 sec, ISO125
“Multiple Curries” Austin, 2024

We attended a curry pop-up at our friend’s restaurant, where the plate featured several types of curry, including a refreshing watermelon curry. It was really good! We left with full bellies and smiles on our faces. What a great dinner!

Afternoon Ride with Kiki

Photo info: Apple iPhone 15 Pro, 6.7649998656528mm, f/1.8, 1/600 sec, ISO64
“Kiki” Round Rock, 2024

Kiki and I went for a ride this afternoon. It was super-hot out, which is not very pleasant when wearing motorcycle gear. At least when we’re moving, it’s not too bad, but stopping to take photos is when I start sweating. It’s more relaxing on the motorcycle than off in the summer!

Photo info: Apple iPhone 15 Pro, 2.6900000572505mm, f/1.9, 1/120 sec, ISO50
“Me & Kiki” Round Rock, 2024


Photo info: Apple iPhone 15 Pro, 2.2200000286119mm, f/2.2, 1/60 sec, ISO250
“Chili-Cheeseburger” Cedar Park, 2024

We postponed our Independence Day grilling to the next day because we attended a party on the Fourth. Today, we grilled burgers and I opted for a chili-cheeseburger using some chili we had in the freezer. It was messy and delicious! Definitely top-tier comfort food.