Tuxedo Cat and Godzilla

"Tuxedo Cat" Cedar Park, 2016
Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/3.2, 1/75 sec, ISO6400
“Tuxedo Cat” Cedar Park, 2016

こんばんは!How’s it going?

So, one of our kitties is black and white – a “tuxedo cat”. I had never heard that term before, but I like it. And I heard that tuxedo cats are strange… not sure if that is a trait or not, but ours is certainly the odd one of the pair of kittens we got. They are sisters, so I thought their personalities would be more similar, but the tuxedo cat is really quirky. She’s a lot of fun!

Earlier this evening my friend Mikey and I went to see the movie “Shin Godzilla”. It’s in limited release here in the States so the theater was sold out. We both enjoyed the movie quite a bit! The special effects were great, and Godzilla was pretty amazing (and very destructive). This version reminded me of a Titan from “Attack on Titan”… anyone else think so?

What I thought was fun about the movie was that it was filled with so many recognizable Japanese actors. Seems like everyone had a cameo or starring role. I also thought Ishihara Satomi’s character was funny speaking English. It was just like her English in the dorama 5-9. It was silly and fun!

Lastly, the English acting from the gaijin was terrible… yappari (as expected). But all-in-all, I thought it was a good movie. And I am amazed at how many conference rooms could be shown in a single movie. They must have set a record. 😜


I hope you had a nice Tuesday!


– B Barron Fujimoto


"Harmony" Cedar Park, 2016
Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/4, 1/12 sec, ISO3200
“Harmony” Cedar Park, 2016

こんばんは!How’s it going?

Today I wasn’t feeling well and worked from home a bit and generally took it easy. My wife spent the weekend in Portland with her friend, and she returned today. It was so nice to see her although it was only a couple days she was away.

Anyways, today I got to hang out with the dog and cats… they are so funny. I haven’t spend the day with just them in a long time and now I see that they are getting along nicely. In the photo above, Lani is sharing the sofa with Yuzu. Before, she would growl at Yuzu and not let her lie in the same area as her. But now they are so nakayoshi (fond of each other). 🐶💛🐱

In fact, those two love to play together. They chase each other around and play fight, although sometimes it’s scary because Lani is much bigger than Yuzu, and she has her mouth open like she is going to snap. But Yuzu holds her own and punches Lani in the face with her paws, then they run around again. I figure that if Yuzu didn’t want to play, she can jump up to where Lani cannot go, or even just run upstairs.

It’s funny to see how the pets’ relationships have evolved. Very interesting tp me.

Hope you had a nice day, and rest well!


– B Barron Fujimoto

Hello, and goodnight

"A Cat and Her Boy" Cedar Park, 2016
Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/3.6, 1/13 sec, ISO3200
“A Cat and Her Boy” Cedar Park, 2016


Due to beer and wine at happy hour, plus pizza dinner, tonight’s post will be short. In fact, I’ll just leave you with a photo of our cat, Yuzu, and her boy, Koa.


– B Barron Fujimoto


"Waiting for a Handout" Cedar Park, 2016
Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/2.8, 1/50 sec, ISO3200
“Waiting for a Handout” Cedar Park, 2016

こんばんは!How’s it going?

Today’s photo is of our dog, Lani, trying her best to look cute so that I’ll give her a treat. Normally as soon as the camera comes out, she’ll shy away, but this time I was holding a pita chip right above the lens. 😊

I hope you had a nice day!


– B Barron Fujimoto

Cats and Cross-country

"You can't see me, right?" Cedar Park, 2016
Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/2.8, 1/80 sec, ISO3200
“You can’t see me, right?” Cedar Park, 2016


Today’s post title are two unrelated things, but whatever… I don’t really care.

First, the cats! 🐱🐱 My goodness they are crazy. Although they are sisters, they have definitely got their own personalities. I’d have to say that Anko, the tuxedo cat, is the stranger of the two.. she has a goofy way about her. As you can see in the photo above, she loves to hide and act silly. And her favorite position to nap in is on her back. Bizarre!

"Comfy Space" Cedar Park, 2016
Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/2.8, 1/70 sec, ISO3200
“Comfy Space” Cedar Park, 2016

The calico, Yuzu, acts more like a big sister, taking care of Anko and grooming her. But she also has a little bit of a mean streak, and is super-sneaky. And she uses her teeth and claws to great effect. If you are relaxing with a blanket over you, watch out for your toes!

"After the Race" Cedar Park, 2016
Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/2.8, 1/100 sec, ISO2000
“After the Race” Cedar Park, 2016

And the other subject of this post is that Koa has had his first Cross-country meet!

There were four middle schools competing today and his school came in second overall, with Koa placing 55th. He said he had a lot of fun and enjoys running. 🏃 I love that.

I think it’s pretty cool that he is in cross-country, since both my brother and I ran cross-country in high school. I really never expected either of my kids to run in school, so this is a pleasant surprise!

I didn’t see this first meet, so this photo was taken when I picked him up back at his school. I wanted to get him in his cross-country uniform, but he had already changed. 😞 Anyways, the photo is not that great, with that distracting tire on the left side, the tree sticking out of the top of Koa’s head, and the car hitting him from behind, but I like his smile and that the photo marks a little bit of history. 😊

I hope you had a nice Tuesday!


– B Barron Fujimoto