Motorcycle Check

“POV Test” Cedar Park, 2022

This evening I did a bit of maintenance on Kiki (my motorbike): check oil, check coolant level, and check battery water level. I also removed some wiring I had added to rig up a Garmin GPS unit that I no longer use.

Then I went for a few laps around my neighborhood testing out different GoPro settings, and I have found that on my GoPro Hero9, Wide with High stabilization seems to be best. This is for the chin-mounted camera position. I want to add a handlebar cam that points back at me, and I have a mount set up for either GoPro or iPhone. I just need to test it out. Maybe later this weekend. 😀

Photo info: Apple iPhone 12 mini, 4.2mm, f/1.6, 1/120 sec, ISO80
“Maintenance” Cedar Park, 2022

I hope you had a good day! またね〜

Laid-Back Camp 2

Photo info: FUJIFILM X-E4, 27mm, f/2.8, 1/125 sec, ISO320
“Laid-Back Camp 2” Cedar Park, 2022

This evening I finished season 2 of one of Laid-Back Camp / ゆるキャン△ which is one of my favorite manga/anime. I love camping, Japan, and motorbikes, and this anime has all three! I also don’t like violent or gory shows (Demon Slayer is pretty much my limit) and Laid-Back Camp is neither. It’s a wholesome, slice-of-life anime which actually imparts some basic camping knowledge and sightseeing tips for the Yamanashi Prefecture in Japan. It’s fun!

Anyways, the Laid-Back Camp movie is scheduled to be released in Japan next month, and hopefully it’ll make it’s way to the US. I hope I can catch it on the big-screen!

Global Entry – At Long Last

Photo info: FUJIFILM X-E4, 27mm, f/2.8, 1/100 sec, ISO1000
“Wait” San Antonio, 2022

I have finally gotten my Global Entry / TSA Pre-check / Known Traveler Number! I went for the “interview” down at San Antonio International Airport which was the closest office. For some reason, Austin’s office is closed as of this post, which is no bueno, but at least San Antonio isn’t too far away (90 minutes).

For a long time, the only available interview locations were Del Rio and Laredo, which are 4 hours away. 😞 But I kept checking the website, and San Antonio, Dallas, and Houston popped up, with San Antonio’s first available date about a month out, and the other two cities’ were several months of wait. So, I think I got lucky!

Anyways, now I am happy that I can use the TSA Pre-check line. 😀